Best Freight Software

Freight management solutions empower companies to select the optimal transportation options that align with their specific needs. These software platforms are particularly beneficial for organizations that do not maintain their own fleet and rely on engaging freight service providers. Companies leverage freight management software to gather comprehensive information about carriers and the services they offer, as well as to evaluate and select the most suitable option that meets their transportation requirements. This system is utilized by logistics and supply chain professionals responsible for ensuring the timely and efficient delivery of goods to customers.

Freight management software can be deployed as a standalone solution or as an integrated component within a supply chain suite or transportation management system. These solutions may require integration with other logistics platforms such as shipping software, yard management software, and supply chain planning tools.

For a product to be considered for inclusion in the Freight Management category, it must:

  • Provide features to manage information about carriers and their service offerings
  • Define and manage various freight modes, such as air, sea, or road transportation
  • Assist users in selecting the optimal freight mode and carrier based on their requirements
  • Enable users to track and monitor the performance of each engaged carrier
  • Include customer portals to share information and updates on shipments


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FAQs of Freight Software

Frequently, ‘freight software’ denotes any software designed to assist businesses in optimizing their freight movement. Such solutions encompass 3PL software, cargo software, and brokerage and forwarder software.

Transport management systems (TMS), rate management systems (RMS), warehouse management systems (WMS), and supply chain management systems (SCMS) are among the key software tools that a freight forwarder typically relies on for their operations.

In the realm of freight shipping, there are four primary types of transportation available to shippers: ground (road), rail, ocean, and air. While these represent the main categories, each method has distinct processes that set them apart from one another.

Common features include order management, route planning and optimization, shipment tracking, carrier selection and rate calculation, freight auditing and payment, documentation management, and reporting/analytics.

The order management feature allows users to capture and manage shipping orders, including details like origin, destination, cargo specifications, and delivery requirements.