Best Exit Intent Popup Software

Online businesses cannot physically stop customers from leaving their website like brick-and-mortar stores can. However, exit-intent pop-ups have changed this by appearing when a visitor is about to exit before completing a desired action like making a purchase, booking a demo, submitting an inquiry, or subscribing to a newsletter.

The success of exit pop-ups led to many tools flooding the market, but finding ones with the right features at the right price can be challenging.

Exit-intent pop-ups, also known as on-exit overlays, are displayed when a visitor is about to leave a website. Their purpose is to convince visitors to stay and complete the intended goal.

These highly customizable pop-ups can be used for various business objectives, such as:

  • Offering discount coupons for e-commerce sites
  • Collecting emails to grow mailing lists
  • Enabling demo bookings
  • Providing free resources
  • And more

The key aspects are:

  • Triggered when a visitor attempts to exit
  • Aim to retain visitors and drive conversions
  • Highly customizable for different use cases


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FAQs of Exit Intent Popup Software

To craft an exit-intent popup for your website, follow these steps:

  1. Create a campaign.
  2. Incorporate content.
  3. Opt to display on exit.
  4. Publish.

The most typical trigger for an exit-intent popup on desktop occurs when a user navigates their mouse to the top right corner of the screen. This action suggests they are preparing to click the “X” button on their browser.

Certainly! Exit-intent popups are effective. Our customers consistently experience higher conversion rates with exit messages compared to other types of popups. Typically, exit popups convert an additional 2 to 4% of website visitors. However, you’re probably curious about how they function, rather than if they’re effective.

An exit-intent popup serves as a tactical instrument aimed at seizing visitors’ attention just before they exit your site. By presenting a final chance to convert visitors, exit-intent popups can effectively reduce cart abandonment, boost email subscriptions, generate leads, and enhance overall website engagement.

An exit-intent pop-up can aid in rekindling the interest of visitors who appear to have lost engagement. It offers them another incentive to remain on your site, thereby preventing them from bouncing. Consequently, showcasing exit-intent pop-ups can assist in reducing bounce rates and enhancing site engagement.